Whedon Confirmed for Avengers 2…and Avengers TV show?

It was reveled lat last night that Joss Whedon will be writing and directing The Avengers 2, not content with that great news however it also emerged that Whedon will be in charge of developing a Marvel studios TV show for the ABC network too.

Saying that this is cool and exciting is somewhat of an understatement, Whedon recently managed to pull off what many thought to be impossible, successfully uniting a big group of characters, played by big name actors into one film that simply blew the audiences minds.

Now I’m guessing that Whedon will have his work cut out for him with The Avengers 2 as it will most likely involve uniting The Avengers with The Guardians of the Galaxy in someway, effectively doubling the number of heroes involved in the story. I’m not worried though, if anyone can do it, Joss can do it.

As for this TV series, this is possibly more exciting to me than than Whedons return to the Avengers directors chair, as it will broaden Whedons canvas enormously. The idea of there being a weekly show (complete with cliff hangers, remember those!) that gets to explore the Marvel movie Universe outside of the films is great news. Even if Whedon will not be able to oversee this on a week to week basis, he will no doubt ave a huge input into the series and there is a talented team of writers he can call on from his previous TV work.

Don’t forget that the rights to the Silver Surfer and Galactus are likely on their way back to Marvel not to mention the vast stable of character that could be introduced in the TV series and the inevitable cross overs that will occur with the films. So yeah this might be pretty good!