Bioshock Infinite gets a new trailer AND a release date!!

News of Irrational games next title, Bioshock Infinite has been conspicuously absent these past couple of months. Little to no information has been released lately other than the recent decision to drop its multiplayer component in favor of focusing on its single player campaign (thank goodness).

This sorry state of affairs finally changed today however with the release of a brand new trailer which features among numerous other cool things, a release date. Yes you read that right, Bioshock Infinite will be released on the 26th of Feb 2013, add it to your diaries because this trailer looks amazing, check it out below. Continue reading

E3:Sony Conference Summary

Well Sony certainly had some surprising stuff for us tonight, ranging from amazing (The Last Of Us? WOW) to the ridiculous with Wonderbook, seriously what in the f’£%k is that Sony?

Sony opened up with the new title from Quantic Dream called Beyond (Two Souls) which was introduced by David Cage. This is of course the studio responsible for Heavy Rain. The the words maturity, experience and emotional were thrown around the place with wild abandon and I am finding it hard to take this game too seriously although the fancy cinematics we saw did look pretty cool.

Playstation Allstars was also being shown off tonight with new characters Nathan Drake and most importantly the Big Daddy from Bioshock being revealed. There was plenty of gameplay on show but to be brutally honest this game looked pretty mundane to my eyes both from a gameplay standpoint and graphically.

Sony then went onto to talk about Vita,  more specifically the potential for cross-platform functionality between the VITA and the PS3 with saves being carried from platform to platform. The Vita also looks like it will be usable as a controller with the PS3 which will add touch screen functionality to the PS3.  As with Microsoft’s tablet support this looks to have been introduced to combat the  Wii U. Will it succeed? Who knows.

PSN+ is also looking like it will be expanded upon significantly with the addition of a number of new games that will be available to PSN+ subscribers including Infamous 2, Saints row 2 and little big planet 2 (North America Only at the mo).

PS1 classic titles will be coming to the Vita which is certainly good news for owners of, what has frankly been an under-supported handheld console. FF7 on a hand-held? Yes Please!! Other Vita news included the announcement of Call Of Duty Black ops: Declassified which will be a Vita exclusive title that is set to bring a ‘true FPS experience’ to Sony’s handheld console.

Assassins Creed 3: Liberation was also announced for the VITA. This game, created exclusively for the handheld console will be available in a pretty cool bundle offer with the new Crystal White PS Vita. AC3: Liberation will be a fully open world game in the tradition of Assassin’s Creed featuring a new female character. There will also be a degree of cross-platform compatibility between AC3 on the PS3 and AC3:L for the Vita.

In terms of the console version of Assassins Creed 3 we saw a new gameplay component involving naval warfare where the player controlled a ship complete with cannons and used it to sink other ships, this looked fun (sorry I am so tired right now I am surprised that  I am still able to form sentences). God I’m tired…Anyhow God of War Ascension got a gameplay trailer which looked fun where Kratos knocked seven shades of shit out of goat people and Babar the Elephant, I’m in. This looked pretty good though I can’t say it is a particularly bold move on Sony’s part in terms of gameplay or story telling.

Sony finished big with some extended gameplay of The Last of Us which looked pretty amazing. The game play seemed to very quickly switch from stealth to melee, to gunfight almost seamlessly and the final shot was pretty cool! I have already seen enough of this game to peak my interest but Sony and Naughty Dog keep showing even more footage that only serves to build up my anticipation levels!

Stay tuned for more details on Sony’s big games later today!

New Bioshock Infinite Video

The second video of three in Irrational games Heavy Hitters series released yesterday, this time showcasing the tragic, and also massive, figure that is the Handyman. This enemy was first seen in the original Bioshock Infinite trailer but never in such detail as here. Creative director Ken Lavine and Lead Artist Shawn Robertson talk at some length about the creation of the character and its design while Levine also touches on the characters back story which sounds intriguing.

The previous video is available on the website here with the next and final video in the series set to be released next week so be sure to check out the site for more info on what looks like an amazing game. The game is due for release on October 16th 2012. on the PS3 and Xbox 360.