Back from the dead…again!

zombies-ATSo…this is kinda awkward. I think I managed to bore myself to sleep with my last post (it was the Sony E3 conference…yeah, 5 month old zing!) and anyway it’s a good excuse for that header image! I’m really writing this post as more of an introduction about where I would like this blog to go, i.e. less of an amateur news outlet and more of a personal space. Don’t worry though I’ll still be talking about the same sort of stuff just maybe in a less newsy manner.

So to get started I thought I might talk a little about what games I’ve been playing recently, and also my recently rekindled love affair with 90’s mainstay Mystery Science Theater 3000. Continue reading

Sony E3 Conference Round Up

sony games

Jack Trenton was on stage early yesterday morning  to shed some light on what Sony are bringing to the next gen console race. The most important announcement (outside the reveal of the console itself of course) was  how the PS4 will handle used games and whether or not it will need to check in online in a similar way to the Xbox One.

Thankfully Sony’s console appears to be a world apart from Microsoft’s frankly pretty obnoxious offering (and this is coming from a 360 owner) with Sony making their stance on these questions pretty clear with the following statement: Continue reading

Mass Effect 3: Retaliation DLC Announced

Now I know I for one have slowly drifted away from Mass Effect 3 lately, and I suspect that a lot of people have done the same. What with Transformer’s Fall of Cybertron and Borderlands 2 coming out my time has been trictly rationed. However, this latest video from Bioware has definitely peaked my interest again. The collectors are back and by the looks of the video they are bringing some goodies with them!

The Retaliation pack will be released on October 9th (US, 10th International), and represents yet another free (FREE!) DLC pack for Mass Effect 3’s rather excellent multiplayer component. The pack will of course be bringing the new Collector class enemies as well as the following features; Continue reading

New PS3 slim(mer) announced at Tokyo Game Show

Yesterday at the ultra cool looking Tokyo Game Show Sony announced a new range of pretty snazzy looking slimmer PS3 Slim consoles that will be hitting the store shelves at the end of the month. A new post about the consoles has also gone live over at saying;

“Available from 28th September 2012, the new PS3 system comes with a whopping 500GB of storage and will be closely followed by a wallet-friendly 12GB version. The 500GB will launch as a bundle with FIFA 13 for around €299.99, with the 12GB priced around €229.99 standalone.” Continue reading

Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts 2013 Trailer

Ok, maybe these two have it coming to them.

Everyone’s favorite shooting wild animals because I can simulator, Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts looks to be on its way back next year. The new trailer for the 2013 installment was just released over at IGN’s YouTube channel and can be seen below. Continue reading

New Sleeping Dogs Gameplay

With August fast approaching  I thought it was about time I take a look at one of my most anticipated games of next month, Sleeping Dogs. The game looks to have been very much inspired by a combination of Asian and Hollywood action movies, with brutal hand to hand combat, gun play and fast paced vehicle sequences combining to create what looks to be a very impressive game.

The folks over at Machinima just posted a pretty sweet little video that provides us with a walk through of a mission called Mrs. Chu’s Revenge. Apparently she ain’t a lady you want to annoy.

From this video, and the other footage I have seen, the game very much looks to be in the vein of GTA, Saints Row and the True Crime series, featuring a big open world for the player to get lost in. The combat looks slick and pretty brutal though the fact that most of the NPC’s seemed to just wait in line to get pummeled is a little concerning, hopefully they will be able to put up more of a fight in the finished game.

The Driving sections also look pretty nice and I like the slow-mo mechanic that gets used while the player is taking out his enemies. In the GTA and Saints Row series I always found that particular mechanic to be a little annoying. Anyway, Sleeping Dogs has been confirmed for release on the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC over in North America on August 14th with a slightly later release date of the 17th for those of us in Europe.