Off the Shelf: Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1

guardians-of-the-galaxy-01Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

Pencils: Steve McNiven

Inks: John Dell

Colors: Justin Ponsor

Letters: Cory Petit

When Marvel announced that the Guardians of the Galaxy would be coming to movie theaters it was really only a matter of time until the much maligned series made a comeback. With the oddly numbered #0.1 the team of Bendis and McNiven has got the series off to a flying start with a simple origin story for the leader of the guardians, Star-lord which sets things up very nicely for when the series kicks off next month. Continue reading

Trailers! The Bleak and the Beautiful!

It’s been a little while since I posted any trailers here but these two caught my eye this evening so here we are. First we have the bleak, World War Z which looks pretty awesome (and yes I know I am late to the party here!). The trailer features apparent family man Brad Pitt who gets caught up in a world scale Zombie outbreak.

The most notable thing here are the amazing visual effects, the Zombie idea is certainly getting plenty of air time at the moment between TV shows and comic books so it makes sense that Hollywood should have a stab at the genre. The setup looks pretty interesting too, I like they idea of a fleet at sea where survivors can go for safety although I can’t see the apparent safety lasting long even there. World War Z is set for release on June 21st in the UK, Ireland and the America.

Next up we move on to the beautiful looking Oz The Great and Powerful, a sequel to the classic Wizard of Oz. the film tells the story of how the titular Wizard of Oz arrived there and became the lands leader. James Franco is taking the leading role with Michelle Williams and  Rachel Weisz featuring alongside while Sam Raimi directs this gorgeous looking feature.

While I am not sure if this film is one that needed to made  (questions about the he back story of the Wizard have never really crossed my mind, until now of course!) it does look very pretty. The color palette is broad and bright as the the unusual cast of characters and I am really looking forward to getting a look at some more footage. I image it will look stunning on Blu ray eventually too.

That’s all for now anyway but be sure to check back soon for some Halo 4 and Black Ops II impressions and of course new comic book Wednesday!

Bioshock Infinite gets a new trailer AND a release date!!

News of Irrational games next title, Bioshock Infinite has been conspicuously absent these past couple of months. Little to no information has been released lately other than the recent decision to drop its multiplayer component in favor of focusing on its single player campaign (thank goodness).

This sorry state of affairs finally changed today however with the release of a brand new trailer which features among numerous other cool things, a release date. Yes you read that right, Bioshock Infinite will be released on the 26th of Feb 2013, add it to your diaries because this trailer looks amazing, check it out below. Continue reading

Mass Effect 3: Retaliation DLC Announced

Now I know I for one have slowly drifted away from Mass Effect 3 lately, and I suspect that a lot of people have done the same. What with Transformer’s Fall of Cybertron and Borderlands 2 coming out my time has been trictly rationed. However, this latest video from Bioware has definitely peaked my interest again. The collectors are back and by the looks of the video they are bringing some goodies with them!

The Retaliation pack will be released on October 9th (US, 10th International), and represents yet another free (FREE!) DLC pack for Mass Effect 3’s rather excellent multiplayer component. The pack will of course be bringing the new Collector class enemies as well as the following features; Continue reading

Amazing Spider-Man Trailer

While every super-hero fans mind may well be on the impending release of Avengers Assemble, Sony Pictures has decided to fire up their hype machine for the forthcoming cinematic Spider-Man reboot, The Amazing Spider-Man, starring (among others) Andrew Garfield, Martin Sheen and Emma Stone. The film is due in cinemas on July 4th in the UK and July 3rd in the USA (more release dates can be found at Imdb here for other countries) which puts the film in the reasonably comfortable position of avoiding competition with both Avengers Assemble (May 4th) and The Dark Knight Rises (July 20th).

I can’t say I was pleased with the original decision to reboot Spidey so soon, but on reflection I think that was probably my post Spider-Man 3 nerd-rage talking. This new trailer looks pretty good, Garfield is a great actor (see Social Network if you doubt this) and I love Dr. Curt Conners/The Lizard as a villain so I have raised my expectations for this, at least a little. The fact that the creative team has gone for the old school mechanical webbing tech of the earlier comics is also pretty cool and I’m sure that there will be some scene in there where he runs out at just the wrong moment.